COVID-19 Update May 2020

We really just wanted to say hello and give you an update on what we are doing as a small business. We hope you all are doing well.
With our Boutique closed since mid-March, we are delighted to be able to stay connected with you online. Whilst, we understand that fashion is not an immediate priority, you are enjoying a little browse every now and then!
By choosing to support us, whether it’s a ‘like’ or a purchase, you are helping a small business weather this storm. A ‘Thank You’ seems a little inadequate but genuinely we are so appreciative of your support and generosity. We know that some of you will have experienced delays with your deliveries, due to longer lead in times and we thank for your patience.
We are constantly enhancing our online offering with a new ‘Store Pick Up’ option for local customers and our 'new' online gift cards. These can be purchased and redeemed online.
Whilst we are still in unchartered waters, we are making all the necessary health and safety precautions for our boutique reopening in accordance with government guidelines. These are new times for all of us.
We’d love to know what you would like to see from us going forward so if you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us on or 0877763928.
Lastly, I just wanted to mention our Courier drivers and An Post who are ensuring our parcels are delivered and of course our heroic Health Services and all front liners who are working tirelessly.
Be safe and we will keep you posted.
Mary & Team